

Gift Wrapping


Make your own holiday gift wrapping this year.

The older I get, the more the holidays excite me again. The tradition of gift giving and meal sharing coupled with being near those we love is a special pause I am really looking forward to. For me, it’s a time to get together and let go of all other static in our lives and just enjoy the company.
Over the last two years, since I’ve been on path to buy ethically and ‘buy better’ (thank you Vivienne Westwood for that universal meme that never gets old) with it, gift giving is also more meaningful. I put more time into the people on my list. And for me, the best way I love to show that is through the presentation. Presentation is the cherry on top – or in this case literally the ribbon that ties it all together.
As I gathered inspiration from around the web for my own holiday wrapping, I came across these eight elegant ideas. I hope you are as inspired as I am + have a lovely holiday season
xo juliette

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